We know the importance of a vessel being attended with their needs for a safe trip.
Sea Star Ship Suppliers is very committed to supplying, we operate under high efficiency at every step of the way, our company offer competitive prices and international standard quality.

24/7 Reception

Refrigerated Trucks

Logistics Intelligence

Worldwide foods

On your phone?
Tap to call

Once your order's quote gets approved, our team get started, by checking every package to guarantee the integrity and quality of every product while getting your whole order ready to be delivered on time.

Every cargo leaving Brazil, be it for export or onboard consumption needs to be legally processed by Brazilian Customs, at Sea Star once your order is ready at our headquarters our team handles, processes, and resolves every legal requirement before heading to your vessel.

The final step is also handled internally allowing us to provide you aggressive pricing, we transport all of the goods and products with our fleet which includes refrigerated trucks, ensuring maximum quality and allowing any temperature-sensitive items to keep their "best before" date, as they never get de-frozen during the process,


Cloth & Linen Products

Hand Tools

Painting Equipment

Rigging Equip.

Safety Equipment

Electrical Equipment

Hose & Couplings

Electrical Tools

Gener. Deck Items

Safety Protective Gear



Provisions & Slop Chest

Rope & Hawsers

Special Food, Bev. & Seasonings

Tableware & Galley Utensils

Welfare Items